Objects and loops: Live coding
The fox and the grapes once again
const actions = [
'took a running leap',
'tried again and again',
// 'miraculously flew', // try uncommenting this to change the result
const grapes = {
qualities: ['beautiful', 'ripe', 'ready to burst with juice'],
status: 'hanging from a vine',
respond: function(foxAction) {
if (foxAction === 'miraculously flew') {
return 'eaten'
} else {
return null
const fox = {
attemptsMade: 0,
feelings: ['hungry', 'a sense of longing'],
hasTriedtoReachGrapes: false,
hasReachedGrapes: false,
tryToEatGrapes: function() {
for (let action of actions) {
result = grapes.respond(action);
fox.attemptsMade += 1;
if (result) {
fox.hasReachedGrapes = true;
fox.feelings = ['elation', 'pride'];
grapes.qualities = ['delicious'];
grapes.status = 'eaten';
if (!fox.hasReachedGrapes) {
fox.feelings = ['disgust'];
grapes.qualities = ['sour'];
fox.hasTriedtoReachGrapes = true;
getTriedText: function() {
if (fox.hasTriedtoReachGrapes) {
return `
The fox has ${fox.hasReachedGrapes ? '' : 'not '} reached
the grapes after ${ fox.attemptsMade }
attempt${ fox.attemptsMade === 1 ? '' : 's' }.
} else {
return `The fox has not tried to reach the grapes yet.`;
displayResult: function() {
let result = `
${ this.getTriedText() }
He feels ${ fox.feelings.join(' and ') }
and thinks the grapes are ${ grapes.qualities.join(' and ') }.
// Trim whitespace so it shows up more nicely in console
result = result.replace(/(\s+)/g, ' ').trim();
return result
// Pretty output
// Raw object output
console.log('fox', fox);
console.log('grapes', grapes);