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Semantic HTML

Joseph Muller

HTML attributes

Concepts: variable, attribute, attribute name, attribute value

Code: = " lang id class a href

Images and other files in HTML

Concepts: alt text, absolute and relative paths, files

Code: img src alt width height index.html

Meaning and presentation in HTML

Concepts: meaning, presentation, semantic HTML, HTML history

Code: table br p strong b em i figure img figcaption ul ol li div span header nav main aside article section footer


Joseph Muller


Concepts: digital accessibility, disability, mainstream and assistive technology, standards

Code: :focus outline header nav main section footer aria-label aria-labelledby


Concepts: HTTP request methods, front end and back end

Code: form method action type label for input textarea name button

Command line, Git and GitHub

Joseph Muller

The command line

Concepts: command line interface, Unix shell

Code: pwd ls cat touch mkdir mv cp rm ""


Concepts: distributed version control, free and open source software, remote repository, local repository, staging area, working directory

Code: clone status add commit -m Esc+:wq push diff fetch pull merge rebase branch switch -u origin


Concepts: GitHub, pull request, code review, merge, conflict, GitHub Pages

Intro to JavaScript

Joseph Muller


Concepts: programming language, JavaScript history, running JavaScript code, comments

Code: script node console.log() // /* */


Concepts: values, data types, strings, escaping

Code: " \ numbers booleans true false undefined null typeof


Concepts: operators

Code: + == != < > - / *


Concepts: statements, constants, variables

Code: let const var = ;

Conditions and functions

Helena Wee


Concepts: conditionals, block scope

Code: if else while {}


Concepts: functions, function scope

Code: function return {}

Objects, loops, and files

Joseph Muller

JavaScript in the browser

Joseph Muller

Timeouts, Debugging and Packages

Helena Wee and Joseph Muller

Getting started with Vue.js

Helena Wee

Going further with Vue.js

Joseph Muller

Content CC BY 4.0 | Code AGPL 3.0