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Prep: Interaction and events

Geometric shapes in several colors in a grid

Session goals

By the end of this session students will be able to do the following with JavaScript:

  • Create interactivity by responding to user inputs

  • Handle browser events in a program that accounts for various possible states

Videos and readings

Please set aside time to watch the following priority videos before class.

Together the new video segments are about 35 minutes.

If you learn best by reading, check out the assigned chapters of the online textbook Eloquent JavaScript.


Finish watching this entire video (1:04 and following). JavaScript DOM Manipulation Mastery: A Comprehensive Guide, 1h 25m, Envato Tuts (Jeremy McPeak), YouTube, 11 Jul 2023.

JavaScript Cookies vs Local Storage vs Session Storage, 14m 27s, Web Dev Simplified, YouTube, 12 Jan 2019.

Handling Events, chapter from book Eloquent JavaScript, 4th ed. (2018), Marijn Haverbeke.

JavaScript and the Browser, chapter from book Eloquent JavaScript, 4th ed. (2018), Marijn Haverbeke.

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