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Workshop: Visualising Data with JavaScript

JSON vs JavaScript objects

  • Create an HTML file and a linked JavaScript file.

  • Create a constant which equates to a JSON string with 5 name/value pairs naming five people and their pets.

  • Use JSON.parse() to convert the JSON string into a JSON object literal.

  • Create five variables and make each one equal a sentence containing one of the name/value pairs.

  • Print each sentence to its own paragraph tag on the page.

  • Create another constant which equates to a JavaScript object with 3 name/value pairs naming three people and their favourite fruit.

  • Use JSON.stringify() to convert it into a JSON string.

  • Print the resulting JSON string to another paragraph element on the page.

Retrieving open JSON data from the web

Experimenting with open JSON data

  • Create an HTML file and a linked JavaScript file.
  • Look at some open data sources on this page:
  • Incorporate JSON data into a creative JavaScript program using either event handlers and the DOM, or canvas commands.

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