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Prep: Timeouts, Debugging, and Packages

Session goals

By the end of this session students will be able to do the following with JavaScript:

  • Use timeouts and intervals to time execution of code

  • Interpret error messages

  • Find and fix problems in your programs (debugging)

  • Use NPM to install dependencies

  • Use .gitignore to keep node_modules out of the Git history

Videos and readings

Please set aside time to watch the following priority videos before class.

Together the priority videos are 70 minutes.

If you learn best by reading, check out the assigned chapters of the online textbook Eloquent JavaScript.


setInterval and setTimeout, 2m 51s,, YouTube, 2018

Refreshing data with setInterval, 8m 43s, The Coding Train, YouTube, 2020

Learn HTML5 Canvas - Animation, 18m 48s, Tyler Potts, YouTube, 2020.

Host your website on github for free in just 2 minutes, 2m 22s, Akriti Goswami, YouTube, 2023

3 types of errors in JavaScript, using code examples, 4m 38s, Deeecode the Web, YouTube, 2023

Best Debugging Tips for Beginners, 11m 56s, Web Dev Simplified, YouTube, 2020

What is NPM, and why do we need it?, 14m 26s, Coder Coder, YouTube, 2022

Ignoring files, Learning Git and GitHub, 4m 5s, Ray Villalobos, LinkedIn Learning, 2023

Bugs and Errors, chapter from book Eloquent JavaScript, 3rd ed. (2018), Marijn Haverbeke

Modules, chapter from book Eloquent JavaScript, 3rd ed. (2018), Marijn Haverbeke

VS Code Source Control for Easy Git, 7m 6s, Deeecode the Web, YouTube, 2024

Git, GitHub, and Github Desktop for Beginners, Coder Coder, YouTube, 2022

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