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Many lines in different colors, with small circles for nodes, diverge and

Image by git-graph

Git is a distributed version control system that helps you keep track of code versions and synchronize projects with other people on a team.

This tool is enormously helpful, even if you are a designer, not a developer. When used well, it saves time, adds flexibility, and brings clarity to team communication and collaboration.

Credit note: Huge thanks to Rachel Carmena, who created the visualisations and developed the teaching method that this segment uses.

Why is it called that?

The word “git” seems like a strange choice to many English speakers. In UK English, the word “git” means an unpleasant or contemptible person. In some dialects of American English, it is an alternative spelling of “get”, especially meaning “get out of here”.

Linus Torvalds, one of the main creators of Git, does not give us a satisfactory answer. He has said it could be any of the following:

  1. an acronym for “Global Information Tracker,” or

  2. a misspelling of “get,” or

  3. an expression of the frustration we might feel doing version control, when it is cathartic to type “stupid computer” into the terminal again and again.

Choose your own adventure!

Why use it?

Have you ever been in this situation?

A file explorer window showing many different versions of a document with
confusing version names

Without a version control system, your code projects will start to look like this.

Only worse, because with code, you have these constraints:

Interdependence of files

One change might involve touching several files, so you can’t label a change using file names.

File names

You can’t just change the names of files to describe the version - file names have to be exact for the code to work.

Bugs and bugfixes

Getting the version wrong could break everything, because one line of code could break everything.

Longevity and teamwork

The lifespan of a code project could be many years, and new people might enter a project halfway through, so you cannot rely on your memory of when you saved which files, or how multiple versions relate to each other. You have to have a system of labeling or notekeeping that makes the history clear to anyone.

Why not use Google Drive or another cloud syncing service?

Git was designed in 2005, before the advent of "the cloud" changed the way we collaborate and keep track of files. So why not use a newer, general-purpose file syncing service to keep track of code?


Cloud services are generally too automatic for code, while Git waits for your explicit instruction at each step.


Cloud services do not prompt you to label versions, so exploring the history to troubleshoot problems is more difficult. Git encourages good notekeeping through commit messages.


Cloud services do not generally provide for branching and merging, which is essential for a team working on an application that is also running in production.


Most professional development teams use Git.


Cloud services often cost money and are controlled by through proprietary software by a central service provider. Git is free and open source and uses distributed architecture. If needed, an entire Git project can be restored from any copy, even if GitHub crashes or your organization has to leave GitHub.


Git integrates with services like GitHub and GitLab, which Web development teams depend on for issue tracking, code reviews, data backups, and static page hosting services. It also integrates with IDEs to show you visualisations of your project branches and commit history.

Git is a distributed version control system

Cloning a repository

Making changes to the working directory

Updating the repositories

Tracing differences in the development environment

Updating the development environment


Going further

These are the essential steps, and there is a lot more to know and explore.

For more on teamwork with Git and merging branches, see the next section on GitHub.


Carmena, Rachel. “How to Teach Git.” Rachel M. Carmena, December 12, 2018.

Straub, Ben. “Git Basics.” In Pro Git Book, 2nd edition., 2014.

Villalobos, Ray. “Learning Git and GitHub.” LinkedIn Learning, August 27, 2021.

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