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Workshop: Preparing for your Web Project

Part 1: Practical

Scenario: You want to make a website that you can share with others.

Task: Create a Birkbeck GitHub repository through GitHub Classroom, and then publish the website using GitHub Pages.


Outside this module, you don’t need to use GitHub Classroom. You can make repositories on your own GitHub account, publish them with Pages, and share them with clients, employers, and collaborators.


  1. Set up the GitHub repository for your web project, if you have not done so already. Here’s how: Go to the Assessment tile on Moodle, scroll down to the submission section, and click on the link called “GitHub Repository Setup.”

  2. Once your repository is created by GitHub Classroom, create a file called index.html in the top level of the repository with some HTML that displays “Hello World”, or something else for you to check that it worked. (The content is not important, it just needs to be an index.html page that loads something.)

    Need a refresher on Git and GitHub? Here are some options:

  3. Publish the website with GitHub Pages.

    Still don’t know the steps?

Part 2: Creative

Please choose one of the following options.

Creative Option A: Experiment with something learned today

Some ideas:

  1. Make a timer that counts down from 10 to 0.

  2. Create an animation that uses timeouts or intervals.

  3. Create something that combines user inputs (events) with fetching data.

  4. Fix an earlier program you wrote with your new debugging knowledge.

  5. Explore NPM packages, choose one, install it, and make something with it.

Creative Option B: Work on your web project

Now that you have your assessment repository set up, you can start building your web project.


Push early, and push often! That way you can share your work using the GitHub Pages link to get feedback and encouragement.

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